2018 Cheyenne Bottoms Christmas Bird Count Results
Kansas Winter Bird Count
Count name: Cheyenne Bottoms
Date of count: Dec 17, 2018
Time (duration of count excluding owling): 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Temperature: 30F to 56F.
Wind Direction: S
Wind Speed: 5 to 14 mph
Place an X in the appropriate blanks.
Still water: open ______ completely frozen ______ partly open X
Moving water: open ___X___ completely frozen ______ partly open ______ none ______
Snow: ____ inches
Sky conditions AM:
Foggy ______
Cloud cover:
0-25% ___X___ (clear)
26-50% ______
51-75% ______
76-95% ______
Overcast (96-100% cloud cover) ______
light ______ moderate ______ heavy ______ rain ______ snow ______
Sky conditions PM:
Foggy ______
Cloud cover:
0-25% __X____ (clear)
26-50% ______
51-75% ______
76-95% ______
Overcast (96-100% cloud cover) ______
light ______ moderate ______ heavy ______ rain ______ snow ______
OBSERVERS: __21__in field in __7__parties (non-owling), plus _0___at feeders.
Fill in the blanks. Enter numbers only for species seen or enter CW for species seen during
count week but not on count day.
Snow Goose unidentified __16900__________
White form __372_________
Blue form ___166________
Ross’s Goose ___156_________
Greater White-fronted Goose __1205__________
Cackling Goose __266__________
Canada Goose __3237__________
Northern Shoveler __23__________
Gadwall __75__________
American Wigeon ___3_________
Mallard __1822__________
Northern Pintail ___67_________
Green-winged Teal __70__________
Redhead ___8_________
Lesser Scaup ___14_________
Bufflehead ____3________
Common Goldeneye __161__________
Hooded Merganser ___3_________
Common Merganser __397__________
Ruddy Duck ___CW_________
duck sp __250__________
Northern Bobwhite ___2_________
Ring-necked Pheasant ____6________
Greater Prairie-Chicken ____1________
Wild Turkey __361__________
Rock Pigeon __63__________
Eurasian Collared-Dove __158__________
White-winged Dove __12__________
Mourning Dove ___2_________
American Coot ___18_________
Ring-billed Gull ___241_________
Herring Gull ___65_________
gull sp. ___213_________
Great Blue Heron ____17________
Northern Harrier ___98_________
Sharp-shinned Hawk ___4_________
Cooper’s Hawk ____4________
Bald Eagle
Adults ___12________
Immatures ___5________
Red-tailed Hawk (including Krider’s) ___75_________
Rough-legged Hawk ____3________
Barn Owl ____3________
Eastern Screech-Owl ___2_________
Great Horned Owl ___8_________
Belted Kingfisher ____2________
Red-bellied Woodpecker ___8_________
Downy Woodpecker ___8_________
Hairy Woodpecker ___8_________
Northern Flicker
Unidentified ____31_____
Yellow-shafted ___18______
Red-shafted ____6_____
American Kestrel ____17________
Merlin ___3_________
Prairie Falcon ____8________
Loggerhead Shrike ____1________
Blue Jay ___1_________
American Crow ___12_________
Horned Lark ___16_________
Black-capped Chickadee ___3_________
Red-breasted Nuthatch ____13________
White-breasted Nuthatch ___7_________
Brown Creeper ___2_________
Winter Wren ___2_________
Marsh Wren ____1________
Carolina Wren ___7_________
Golden-crowned Kinglet ___2_________
Eastern Bluebird ___42_________
Townsend’s Solitaire __1__________
American Robin ___20_________
European Starling __6262_________
Cedar Waxwing ___3_________
House Sparrow ___157_________
House Finch ____97________
American Goldfinch ___51_________
Lapland Longspur ___19_________
Spotted Towhee ____1________
American Tree Sparrow ____100________
Field Sparrow ____10________
Song Sparrow ____11________
Harris’s Sparrow ___87_________
Dark-eyed Junco
Slate-colored ___144_________
Eastern Meadowlark ____1________
Western Meadowlark ____305________
Sturnella sp. ___226_________
Red-winged Blackbird ___20995_________
Brown-headed Cowbird ____1________
Common Grackle ___250_________
Great-tailed Grackle __5__________
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Myrtle ___26_________
Northern Cardinal _____17_______
Total Species ____81________
Total Individuals ___55,578_________